News & Events

Good reads, good deeds and good people

You know those public service announcements that end with the familiar phrase, “The more you know . . .”? That’s how we look at our “News & Events” section. This is where you will find all sorts of useful information – from industry news to thought leadership in the form of blogs and videos, to company announcements highlighting innovative services, new members of our family and more exciting news and events. All of which leave you, we hope, saying, “How about that – the more you know…”

FHFA NEWS RELEASE (7/11/2024):

FHFA Announces Release of Historical VantageScore® Credit Score by the Enterprises

As your business partner, Accurate Financial Services (a subsidiary of Credit Information Systems) knows how credit reporting and lending risk mitigation solutions help YOU efficiently manage your business. And we are here to support YOU with personalized experiences, expert advice, industry updates and innovative solutions that go above & beyond your expectations.

To help YOU remain current on changes impacting your business, we wanted to share an announcement published today, July 11, 2024, from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) are making historical VantageScore® 4.0 credit scores available to approved users to support the transition to updated credit score and credit report requirements.

This comprehensive release is associated with single-family loans purchased by the Enterprise from April 2013 through March 2023, reflecting the period for which trended consumer credit data is reliably available across the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies.

These scores will provide market participants with the ability to better analyze and understand the new credit score models that have been validated and approved for use by Enterprises. The historical credit scores are available for download at the Enterprises’ respective websites. 

Click Here to link to the official News Release.

If you have any questions or need assistance,  please contact your Account Manager at 800-373-5333.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS!  We are here to support YOU as we continue to expand the breadth of products & services we offer, so YOU can better serve your customers and remain compliant.

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